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Q: When Mount Pelee erupted how many people survived in 1932?
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How many people survived the eruption of Mount Pelee?

4 people survived

Where is Mount Pelee and has it erupted yet?

mount pelee is located in the west indies on an island Caribbean on martinique and it has not erupted since 1929.

What effect did mount pelee have on the people after it erupted?

30,000 people died in one town called st.pierre and only a couple of people survived. the whole town was destryoyed by pyroclastic flow

How many people die when mt pelee erupted?

28,000 died. only 2 people survived

Did Mount Pelee have a famous eruption?

Yes. On May 8, 1902 Mount Pelee erupted, destroying the city of St Pierre and leaving only three survivors.

What is the date of when mount Pelee erupted?

Mount Pelee erupted on May 8, 1902. The eruption devastated the city of Saint-Pierre on the Caribbean island of Martinique, resulting in the loss of almost all of its 30,000 inhabitants.

What did the 1635 mount Pelee eruption do?

well first it erupted then it fell back asleep

Which volcano erupted on martinique in the french west indies on May 8 1902?

Mount Pelee

How many times did mount pelee erupt?

It erupted 4 times. 1792, 1851, 1902, 1927.

Is mount pelee the volcano active?

mount pelee is indeed active so watch out people

How have people benefited living near mount Pelee?

how has mt pelee benefited people living near by

When will mount Pelee will erupted again and in what year?

There is no way to accurately predict when Mount Pelee will erupt again. It is an active volcano and could erupt at any time, although its activity is currently monitored by scientists. Its last major eruption was in 1902.