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Q: What were the causes of flooding in Egypt?
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Related questions

How does river flooding depositing rich soil affect Egypt?

It effects egypt bc it is flooding there towns

Why did the ancient Egypt welcomed the flooding?

Since Egypt is a dry area, flooding was good so that their crops can get water

What did Egypt experience under Ramses II?

unpredictable flooding

Was there Flooding in ancient Egypt?

yes of course

When did flooding occur in Egypt?

From July to November.

What is the physical environment of ancient Egypt?

Egypt's Nile River has a predictable time of flooding.

Does a hurricane or tornado or blizard or freezng rain which one causes the most flooding near an ocean.?

A hurricane causes coastal flooding. None of the other are directly related to flooding at all.

Hoe does modern Egypt control the flooding of the Nile?

With dams.

How did egypt nourish its land?

The annual flooding of the Nile river.

What did Egypt success rest on?

The Nile's Flooding every year.

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What does the flooding of the nile river have to do with crops in Egypt?

Well, water gives nutrients or helps a crop grow, and Egypt is a rather dry place so flooding is necessary to help the crops grow because usually it doesn't rain much in Egypt.