A tornado warning is worse. It means that a tornado has been detected or the threat of one is imminent. A tornado watch means the overall conditions are favorable to form in a general area.
The possibility of a tornado results in a "tornado watch" for a certain area and time.The actual existence of a tornado results in a tornado warning which is effective until cancelled but may be limited in time.
A warning is typically more severe than a watch or advisory. A warning indicates that hazardous conditions are expected and immediate action should be taken. A watch or advisory suggest that hazardous conditions are possible and to stay informed.
If a possible tornado is seen by spotters or detected by radar a tornado warning is issued. The public is then informed of the warning via special TV and radio announcements, as well as through the internet. Some towns sound sirens that warn of a coming tornado.
The active voice sentence is: 1 The tornado warning at Scott AFB scared you. The passive equivalent is: 2 You were scared by the tornado warning at Scott AFB. Passive voice is often made by using "by" in the sentence, just like this sentence is passive.
Partially. A tornado warning means that a tornado is likely to form or already has formed.
Sort of. A tornado warning means that either a tornado has already formed or may form very soon.
A wall cloud, or, if a potential tornado is already developing, a funnel cloud.
Severe thunderstorms have the potential of producing a tornado with little or no advanced tornado warning.
No. A tornado warning means that a tornado is likely to form or has already been spotted.
If an announcement indicates a general possibility of tornadoes, but not that there is an imminent danger, then it is called a tornado watch. If there is an imminent threat of a tornado, then a tornado warning is issued.
"The tornado warning scared you." is active voice. "You were scared by the tornado warning." is passive voice.