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Go to your basement immediately. Find a corner without windows, crouch down and over your head.

If you do not have a basement get to a room in the center part of your house on the lowest floor. A bathroom or closet is best.

Again, stay away from windows.

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Q: What should you do if a tornado comes through and you are in your house?
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Where to go if a tornado comes?

you should go to the safest part of your house like bathroom with no windows!

What should you do if a tornado comes in in a home?

Get to the basement or storm cellar. If you don't have one go to a room in the center part of your house away from windows. A bathroom or closet is best.

Can a waterspout destroy a beach house?

Well, yes and no. If the waterspout comes ashore and hits the beach house, it can destroy it. But if the waterspout comes ashore, it is no longer a waterspout - it is a tornado.

What should you do if a tornado comes when you're in your house?

You need. to go as low as you can. The safest place in your home is the basement. Go as low as you can and cover your head. Try to put yourself under a table and hang on so the tornado does not pull you away. Always be safe!

When was House Tornado created?

House Tornado was created in 1988.

What is a safe tornado house?

No house can offer 100% protection from a tornado. The best option is a house with a basement to go to in case of a tornado.

Should you drive away in a tornado or stay in a house?

Generally you should shelter in place during a tornado as you are more likely to survive if caught in your house than if caught in a car. Evacuating from a tornado is not as simple as it sounds, as the paths of tornadoes can be unpredictable and it is possible to get stuck in traffic since peak tornado activity often coincides with the evening rush hour. That said, if you are in a mobile home when a tornado is coming you should leave it for sturdier shelter.

What did the house ever do to a tornado?

The house is invading the tornado's natural habitat, so of course the tornado will fight to keep its territory.

What should you do and if a tornado comes and you are in your house?

Go to your basement immediately. Find a corner without windows, crouch down and over your head. If you do not have a basement get to a room in the center part of your house on the lowest floor. A bathroom or closet is best. Again, stay away from windows.

What two places you should be when there's a tornado?

The best place to be in the event of a tornado is in a basement or cellar. If that is not an option, then go to an interior room on the lowest floor of your house.

Where to hide in a tornado?

Places you should not seek shelter during a tornado include:Under an overpassNear a windowIn a mobile homeIn a carOn the second or higher floor of a house.

Where should go during a tornado if you are in a house?

You should go in your basement or underground. If you don't have access to a basement get to a closet or bathroom in the center of you house. Stay away from windows.