what was total rainfall for Fort worth Texa in 1997
What is the total rainfall amounts in the month of May for Elwood,IL
The address of the Kilgore Historical Preservation Foundation is: Po Box 1790, Kilgore, TX 75663-0885
133 miles
The total rainfall amount for Austin, TX in 2008 was approximately 33.65 inches.
The town located nearest to the center between Kilgore and Lafayette is Natchitoches, LA
196 miles Estimated Travel time 3 hours and 42 minutes
5 hours and 28 minutes
Orange,Tx Located in Southeast Texas,this town on average has an annual rainfall total of 59.1 Inches.
The address of the Lamar And Nelda Lewis Memorial Library And Museum Foundation is: Po Box 786, Kilgore, TX 75663-7566
Fred Nicholson died January 23, 1972, in Kilgore, TX, USA.
It is 985 miles according to Google Maps.