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Fire extinguisher symbols

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Q: What is the symbol on a fire extinguisher for electrical equipment?
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Related questions

What fire extinguisher for electrical fire?

A Class C fire extinguisher.

Class c fire extinguisher is used for?

A class C fire is an electrical fire. A class C extinguisher is approved for electrical fires.

How to fill nitrogen to fire extinguisher from cylinder?

There is equipment that connects from the gas tank to the fire extinguisher, and is deigned to keep from overpressurizing the extinguisher. Do NOT try this without the equipment.

How can a class C fire be extinguished?

A class C fire involves energized electrical equipment. It should not be extinguished using water, as it can conduct electricity and cause electrocution. To extinguish a class C fire, it is recommended to use a dry chemical or carbon dioxide fire extinguisher designed for use on electrical fires.

Proper fire extinguisher for a electrical fire?

ABC, BC or C. It is often best to disconnect the electrical power and use an extinguisher appropriate for whatever type of fuel happens to be burning (A or B). Do NOT use a water-type A fire extinguisher on an energized electrical fire.

What account title is the purchase of fire extinguisher belong?

fire extinguisher.... because assets are by name debit

What equipment is located in the lab in case of fire?

Fire extinguisher and fire blanket.

What fire extinguisher do you use on a electrical fire?

Water is good as it will cut off oxygen and cool the heat source. Powder and foam will smother to cut off oxygen. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) will cut off oxygen but blast of gas may spread ther fire by blowing light material such as paper causing it to set fire to other things. Don't use water on oil, or a chip pan fire.

What class of fire extinguisher is need to fight a electrical fire?


What is the best fire extinguisher for height voltage transformer?

the best fire extinguisher for high voltage is a c extinguisher because it can put out electrical fires

Is it safe to use a water extinguisher on an electrical fire?

NO!!!!! Use a Dry Chemical extinguisher

A water extinguisher is safe to use on an electrical fire.?

NO!!!!! Use a Dry Chemical extinguisher