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An EF3 tornado will partially or mostly destroy a well built house, removing the roof and collapsing exterior walls and some interior walls, sometimes leaving only a few standing. Weaker structures may be leveled and poorly anchored ones may be blown some distance. Most trees in the path of an EF3 tornado will be uprooted or snapped. Heavy vehicles may be lifted.

Note, however, that most structures in an EF3 tornado will suffer less than EF3 damage. If damage to even one structure is rated as EF3, then that will be the rating of the tornado.

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The damage caused by an EF3 tornado can be significant. It typically includes severe damage to well-built homes, destruction of mobile homes, the loss of roofs and walls of commercial buildings, and the uprooting of large trees. It can also cause extensive damage to infrastructure, such as power lines, roads, and bridges.

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What is the wind speed of EF3 tornado?

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Yes, the El Reno, Oklahoma tornado of May 31, 2013 has officially been rated EF3, but there is some controversey over this. Tornado ratings are based on damage and have accompanying wind speed estimates. The damage caused by the tornado was no higher than EF3, which was the basis for the final rating. For some time, however, the rating of the tornado stood at EF5 as mobile Doppler radar detected wind gusts in the tornado to over 295 mph, well into the estimated EF5 range, which starts at just over 200 mph and has no upper bound. This measurement was made while the tornado was over open country where there were no structures to damage. The National Weather Service ultimately chose to reject the wind speed measurement, and rate the tornado EF3 based on damage, which is the basis for ratings on the EF scale. This was likley the right decision, as the wind measurements were taken from a point several hundred feet up in the funnel, where winds would likely be much faster than they are near ground level, where damage occurs. The accuracy of the wind speed estimates of the EF scale have not been fully verified.

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What is an EF3 tornado?

An EF3 tornado is a classification on the Enhanced Fujita scale used to rate tornado intensity. It is characterized by wind speeds between 136-165 mph (218-266 km/h), causing severe damage to structures and potentially resulting in fatalities. These tornadoes are considered strong and capable of uprooting trees and tearing off roofs.

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The last time Ruston, LA had a recorded tornado was on April 25, 2019, when an EF3 tornado hit the city, causing significant damage.

Could an EF3 Tornado Lift Up Atomic Betty's Ship?

Probably not. Atomic Betty's ship appears to be the size of a large house, and is streamlined. An EF3 tornado can lift an empty train car and possibly and unachored house, but not carry it far. That said, an EF3 tornado might be able to overturn it.

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Damage can vary considerably. A weak tornado may only peel away shingles and break windows. An EF2 tornado may remove the roof or at least a large portion of it. An EF3 tornado may destroy all or most of the top floor. A tornado of EF4 or EF5 strength could completely level the building.

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It is highly unlikely for a tornado to lift a freight train, as trains are heavy and sturdy. However, a tornado can certainly derail a train or cause damage to train tracks and infrastructure.

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An EF3 tornado could probably throw a car a few tens of yards. It could probably move a car a few hundred yards by bouncing and rolling it.