The lower 10% earn $21.14 per hour. The upper 10% earn $45.05 per hour. The median or average salary is $31.99 per hour.
The average hourly pay of LPNs in Salt Lake City is $19 per hour. The average hourly pay for LPNs in San Francisco is $24 per hour, and in Las Vegas, the average hourly pay is $20.
$30 per hour
you can pay $100 for three hours
In Georgia the average is about $13.00 per hour, and on average 5% pay raise per year after that.
don't know get a job
50 to 75 cents per hour
In New York City, the average hourly pay for a McDonald's cashier is $7.78 per hour as of September 2014. The average pay for drive-thru cashiers is $7.76, and the average pay for crew members is $7.54 per hour.
The highest average pay for janitor jobs is 15$ per hour. The pay depends on where you work. if its a corporation or a mall or a store, the average pay widely varies.
16 dollars per hour starting pay
In the United Kingdom, the average pay level for data entry workers is around £5.50 to £6.50 per hour. In the USA, it is usually around $12- $19 per hour.