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lack of rain

and rain is the solution for it.

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Q: What is drought and what is a solution for it?
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Long-term solution to drought in Africa?

There is no long-term solution to drought in Africa. Africa simply doesn't get enough rain. Diverting rivers is impossible except in the rarest of situations.

What is considered a long term solution to the drought in African?

let it rain

What is consider a long term solution in drought in Africa?

Promoting large-scale production of staple crops.

Can aquaponics solve world drought?

It might help, but it's not likely to be a large scale contribution to the solution of the problem.

Which conditions best model the effects of drought on plant cells?

Dehydration stress caused by drought leads to cell membrane damage, protein denaturation, and oxidative stress in plant cells. In addition, drought can disrupt essential cellular processes such as photosynthesis and nutrient uptake. Finally, prolonged drought conditions can trigger programmed cell death in plants as a survival mechanism.

Which is considered a longtime solution to drought in Africa?

Implementing sustainable water resource management practices, such as rainwater harvesting, constructing water storage facilities like dams, and promoting drought-resistant crop varieties can help mitigate the impact of drought in Africa in the long term. Additionally, investing in irrigation systems and promoting efficient water usage in agriculture can contribute to long-term solutions for addressing drought in the region.

What is an example of a drought?

The drought we're in , but don't know what to call the drought. :)

What is a long period of no rain called?

A long period of no rain is called a drought.

Which is considered long term solution to drought in Africa?

Implementing sustainable water management practices, such as rainwater harvesting, drip irrigation, and water conservation measures, can provide long-term solutions to drought in Africa. Additionally, improving access to education, technology, and infrastructure to help communities adapt to changing climate conditions can also contribute to mitigating the impacts of drought in the region.

Is considered a long-term solution to drought in Africa?

Investing in water conservation projects, building sustainable infrastructure like rainwater harvesting systems, implementing efficient irrigation techniques, and promoting drought-resistant crops are long-term solutions to drought in Africa. Additionally, improving land management practices and addressing climate change through international cooperation can help mitigate the effects of drought in the region.

What term is used for an unusually long period of time with little or no rain?

A period with little rain is a drought.(The archaic equivalent was drouth.)

What is the word that means no rain and rhymes with rout?

The word is drought.