We have learned to avoid evacuating towns, as this only leads to people getting caught in their cars. This came from the tragic Wichita Falls, Texas tornado in 1979, which killed a number of people as they attempted to flee. We have learned the value of live broadcast warnings, such as in the Oklahoma City tornado of 1999, where warnings saved hundreds of lives
The homophones for something learned are "taught" and "taut." The homophones for to reduce are "adduce" and "deduce."
by building dams
The homophone for "reduce" is "redues." The homophone for "learned" can be "urned" or "learn'd."
they build rocks to block the rivers and people from other countries send food and water
reduce the risks in the future To transfer some or most of the risks to another entity!
reuse, reduce, recycle
The homophone for something learned is "taught," and the homophone for "reduce" is "redues."
Floods drown plants, which kill them, leaving nothing for the farmer to get off of come time to harvest, and no money in the bank. Floods also can drown livestock and reduce the amount of pasture and feed available to livestock.
Reduce,Reuse,and Recycle CHA! I learned that from iCarly lol:D
Changing the sediment load of a river
People can avoid the floods by not building on the flood plain or by constructing leveesto hold the water back.-CA Sixth Grade Earth Science Macmillan/McGraw-Hill