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Q: What has to been done to clean up the land around chernobyl?
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What has been done to prevent another 'chernobyl disaster?

The primary solution preventing another Chernobyl disaster is to build a proper containment building. The damage would have been much less if there had been such a building.

What has been done to clean up the mercury problem at minamata?

They spent around 1 million yen trying to clean the mess

Can tattoos be clean after it has been done?

No they are permanent but can be removed with laser surgery

How do you clean a messy littered area of the bar with jam-packed customers?

Politely ask them to move and quickly clean it up. Or, clean around them (if this can be done without disturbing them).

If the edge of the cake come off is it done?

If you can run a knife around the edge of a cake and it comes out smooth and clean, then yes, it is done.

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When you come out of the water it means your soul is clean from all the sin that you have done. when you are done with a baptize you have a clean slate

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Take it apart, clean it and you are all done.

What is the Rejection rate of the tragus piercing?

Tragus piercings haven't really been known to reject if they are done correctly. If they are done incorrectly then obviously your rejection rate will be significantly higher. If you get it done professionaly and clean it as advised you shoudn't have a problem.

1998 kia sportage when you turn on the air or heater no air blows into the car why?

If the fan is running, you could have an accumulation of leaves under the cowl, or in the squrrell cage of the fan, been there, done that. Not hard to clean, remove the cowl and clean, remove the fan and clean.

What has been done to reduce litter?

well fines can be given if seen littering and more bins have been placed around

What does Food-Grade mean?

When a product is labeled as food grade it means that the processing and the packaging has been done with clean equipment and can be safely eaten by people.

What jobs can be done to help around the house?

Some jobs can be to do the laundry, clean up a room, take out the trash, mow the lawn, clean the dished, put things away, clean off a table for dinner, set up place settings, organize books or movies.