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The tornado is not affected. It will continue though the valley as it would over any other terrain.

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Q: What happens when a tornado hits a valley?
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What happenswhen a lightning bolt hits a raging tornado?

Nothing happens. The lightning will not affect the tornado.

What happens if a tornado strikes the ground?

When a tornado strikes the ground, it can cause significant damage by tearing apart structures, uprooting trees, and tossing debris at high speeds. Tornadoes can create a path of destruction that is several miles long and can be up to a mile wide. It is important to take shelter immediately in a sturdy building or underground if a tornado is approaching.

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What happens before the tornado hits the ground?

Before a tornado hits the ground, a rotating column of air forms in the storm cloud known as a funnel cloud. This funnel cloud extends towards the ground, and once it makes contact, the tornado is then officially considered to have touched down.

When was the tornado in Grand Valley Ont?

The Grand Valley Tornado struck at approximately 4:15pm on May 31st, 1985. It was the longest (on the ground) recorded Tornado in Canadian records.

What are the ratings and certificates for Tornado Valley - 2009 TV?

Tornado Valley - 2009 TV is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12

What happens when a tornado hits meadow?

Trees and vegetation in the path of the tornado may be damage or destroyed. Exceptionally violent tornadoes may scour away grass and even soil.

What happens to a fish when there's a tornado?

If a tornado occurs over a body of water where fish are present, the fish may get caught up in the strong winds and be lifted out of the water. Once the tornado dissipates and the fish fall back to the ground, they may suffer injuries or die upon impact.

What happens if a tornado hits a car?

The car would be taken up in the air and destroyed and if your in the car then the chances of living is moderate

What happens when a tornado hits?

When a tornado hits, it can cause significant damage by lifting and destroying structures, vehicles, and trees in its path. Tornadoes can also create strong winds that can cause injuries and fatalities. It is important to take shelter in a sturdy building or underground if a tornado warning is issued.

What happens to living and non living things if a tornado happens?

The area in which the tornado happens can erode the area away cause the animals that lived there to have no home or die of the tornado

Is a tornado more likely to travel threw a valley or over a hill?

A tornado is more likely to travel over a hill than through a valley, as hills can enhance wind speed and rotation in the atmosphere, which can contribute to the formation and sustenance of a tornado. Valleys, on the other hand, may disrupt the tornado's circulation patterns due to the varying terrain and obstacles present.