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That depends upon how close the people are to the explosion, but nuclear bombs produce very powerful explosions that can kill people in large numbers. And because the explosions also produce a lot of radioactivity, even people who are not killed by the explosion may later die from radiation sickness or from cancer caused by the radiation.

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Q: What happens to people when a nuclear bomb explodes?
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What happens when a nuclear bomb is set off?

It explodes.

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That will depend on the size of the bomb, how far above ground it explodes, and how far away it is from you.

When a nuclear bomb explodes what is left?

More than you might imagine from sensationalist stories, but there might not be enough people left to use what is left efficiently.

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The question is impossible to answer as I cannot tell what it is trying to ask.

What are the good and bad points of BOMB?

bad is it explodes and people die and good is they don't usually explodes

How do create a nuclear weapon?

A nuclear bomb contains two parts. The Uranium and Hydrogen. When on first impact the hydrogen canister explodes trigering a reaction happening in the uranium which explodes at heats of over 3000 Degree Celcius.

What happens in a nuclear bomb?

fission and/or fusion

What is the worst thing about radiation?

Well the worst thing about nuclear radiation is when explodes from a nuclear bomb not only the explosion do damage the radiation destroyes molecules get people really sick and kill the that's why it's so dangerous

What happens when energy from a nuclear fusion hits water?

By a nuclear fusion you must mean an H-Bomb. This releases tremendous heat energy so it will vaporise a lot of water if it explodes near the surface. The shock wave will also cause massive waves to be created.

What will happens if the nuclear bomb in japan exploted?

It did and killed 90,000-166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000-80,000 in Nagasaki.