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To "trip and fall" literally means to stumble and hit the ground. It is often used as an excuse ("He tripped and I fell!") when someone catches two people during sexual act.

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Q: What does the term 'trip and fall' means?
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No, to heave means to throw something very hard, and to stumble means to trip or fall.

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What are examples of trip?

A trip is to stumble and fall over (trip up). A trip can be a short period of travel, as in a trip to the seaside.

What are the example of trip?

A trip is to stumble and fall over (trip up). A trip can be a short period of travel, as in a trip to the seaside.

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The homonym that could mean a journey or a fall is the word "trip".

What does stumbled mean?

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You can trip and fall when Katrina (the Gypsy lady) in the City gives you bad luck.