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1. Energy; drive. The dreamer needs to prepare herself for an increased level of stress and activity.

2. If the dreamer is burned, trouble lies ahead. Look to other symbols in the dream as to how to prepare for it and resolve it.

3. If the dreamer avoids being burned, a sticky situation will be quickly resolved.

4. A roaring bonfire or a welcome blaze in a fireplace signifies good news, security, a period of hope after a stint of difficulties

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Having a dream about fire, indicates trouble ahead. A problem will pursue you paticualrly if you are burnt by the fire. If you are able to put out the fire then you will be able to over come your obsticles you face. A fire also signifies strength and and determination and so if the fire seems to be under controll then it indicates you have strength and purpose. Flames in a fire can provide a message of where the trouble will come from and you might be able to see pictures in the flames.

I hope that helped, Dreams can tell us so much

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βˆ™ 13y ago

This means that you are about to fall in love.

"Fire" could have several different meanings in a dream, depending on the context. A warm cozy fire might suggest the comforts of home, and a longing for the security of one's childhood home. The same image in a different context might suggest longing to establish one's own family. A very different fire might represent sexual passion, while a raging, destructive fire would suggest anger.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

In dreams, fire can symbolize anger or passion among other things. So this dream could represent the dreamer's feeling they are moving toward a passionate relationship or an angry encounter. The focus is the feelings of the dreamer, not any prediction of future events.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

This dream could have several different interpretations depending on specific factors in the dream as well as the dreamer's real-life situation. Dying itself is often a metaphor representing a significant change or an end of one stage of life. Dreams also tend to engage word play and puns. So this particular dream could refer to the end of a job or career, using the literal meaning of the idea of "getting fired." Alternatively, the dreamer might be afraid of "getting burned" in the sense of being hurt or betrayed, which in turn could bring some opportunity or plan to an end.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

In this dream, the fire probably represents passion. The image is similar to "falling in love," but your mind is showing you that the main factor in this attraction is lust rather than love. Rather than being the positive, creative force of love, you are "falling" into the dangerous flame of physical lust.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It is the indication of your guilt mind. Be truthful to self and be responsible in entrusted duties.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

it means that u must watch out of danger

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βˆ™ 13y ago

In dreams, fire often symbolizes anger.

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The fire is a symbol of your own emotion. It might illustrate your anger or your "burning" passion.

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On the Discussion Page, you have worked out a fine interpretation of your dream. The fire is a metaphor representing a problem or issue in your own life. It causes you anxiety, exaggerated into panic in the dream. But the fire is not around you, but in you, as illustrated in the dream by your putting out the fire by getting yourself wet. The dream expresses what you already believe but have been hesitating to commit yourself to. The task facing you will be difficult and potentially painful, but you have the ability to take control and manage both yourself and the situation.

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This dream might have different meanings depending on the context of the dream as well as the dreamer's situation. One possibility might relate to the slang expression that something sexy is "hot." So the dream might take the expression literally, and display sexy clothing as being on fire.

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