To try to control something. To attempt to take control of a situation. To attempt to control something that is beyond a person's power to control.
Cognitive delay refers to a condition where a person's cognitive abilities develop at a slower rate compared to their peers. This delay can affect a variety of cognitive skills such as problem-solving, memory, attention, and language. It can be caused by various factors such as genetic conditions, early childhood trauma, or environmental factors.
Whatever happens is beyond anybody's control. There is nothing more we can do.
It could be caused by a seizure.
is not allowed
This quotation, from William Goldman's The Princess Bride, says that true love lasts beyond death. In the context, this is literally true.
That is the day you vote.
delay (noun)
It means do not delay something.
Lag or delay refers to a noticeable time gap between an action and its corresponding response in a system, such as in online gaming or video streaming. This delay can be caused by various factors, including network congestion, processing speed, or distance between devices. Minimizing lag is important for smooth and responsive user experiences.
Beyond the never ending
"Seek nothing beyond your sphere" means focusing on what is within your control and not being concerned with things that are outside of your influence or reach. It encourages individuals to stay grounded and concentrate on the tasks or responsibilities that are directly relevant to them.