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A bathroom is not your only other option during a tornado. Any interior room, closet, or hallway on the lowest floor can protect you. Even getting under a bed can offer protection. Another option is to go to a nearby sturdy building, or some other nearby structure where you can get underground. If you live in a mobile home, you should definitely leave it for more substatial shelter.

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Q: What do you do during a tornado if you don't have a basement and and your bathroom has windows?
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Where should go during a tornado if you are in a house?

You should go in your basement or underground. If you don't have access to a basement get to a closet or bathroom in the center of you house. Stay away from windows.

Where do you go during a tornado if you don't have a basement?

If you don't have a basement during a tornado, seek shelter in an interior room on the lowest level of your home, such as a bathroom or closet. Stay away from windows and protect yourself with heavy furniture or mattresses. If possible, consider installing a tornado shelter or safe room for future storms.

Where should you go for shelter during a tornado?

Generally the basement and the bathroom are the safest places to go during a tornado.

Where is the safest place in a home during a tornado if you do have a basement?

The safest place in a home during a tornado, if you do not have a basement, is an interior room on the lowest floor, away from windows. This could be a bathroom, closet, or hallway. Make sure to cover yourself with a mattress or heavy blankets to protect against flying debris.

What is a safe place during a tornado?

The best place to be during a tornado is a basement or cellar. If you don't have one the find an interior room or hallway without windows if possible. A bathroom also provides good shelter.

Where is not the safest place in a home during a tornado if you do not have a basement?

The safest place in a house other than a basement is an interior room or hallway on the first floor with no windows. Bathroom and especially a bathtub often provide good shelter

Is it safer to go in a bathroom or a basement during a tornado?

Bathroom is safe only if it is located in a basement, but otherwise, I'll strongly recommend a basement which is supposed to keep the tornadoes out, if you are in an area where tornadoes tend to come.

Where should you go during a tornado and where should you avoid?

During a tornado, go to a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. Avoid windows, doors, and outside walls. Do not stay in a mobile home or seek shelter under a bridge or overpass.

Where do you need to go during a tornado?

The best place to be during a tornado is underground in a basement or cellar. If you can't get to one go to the center part of the house or building you're in on the lowest floor. A bathroom often provides good shelter. Stay away from windows

Where in the basement do you go during a tornado?

You would go to the most sheltered area of the basement, away from any windows or outside doors.

Where is the best place to be if you are in a school during a tornado?

An interior bathroom or hallway away from windows.

What do you call the basement when there is a tornado?

It is recommended to seek shelter in the basement during a tornado. If you are specifically referring to taking cover in the basement during a tornado, it can be simply called a tornado shelter.