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Q: What do you call such rain?
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What do you call it when we have rain?


Does it rain in the forest?

yes it does rain in the rain forest that why it is call The rainforest

What do you call it when rain is polluted with nitric of sulphuric acids?

acid rain

What do you call the cycle that produces rain?

Water cycle produces rain. The rain reaches earth's surface.

What is it call when you a fear of rain?


What do you call a light rain?


What do you call the dense forests near the equator that get heavy rain?

Rain Forest

Why does the poet call rain as earthly life?

Rain is life to plants and animals.

What is less rainfall on one side of a mountain call?

Rain shadow.

What do you call a mixture of rain snow?


How do you call a period of no rain fall?


What do you call when there is a scarcity of rain and water?

A drought.