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If there is no specific statute for it (raising false alarm) it could be charged as "malicious mischief", "reckless endangerment", "disorderly conduct", among other things.

If someone dies during a false alarm it would be called "manslaughter".

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Q: What do cops call it when you set a fire alarm off?
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What are the functions of a business security alarm?

A business security alarm has many functions. It can call the cops when a robbery is in progress by pushing the silent alarm or the alarm will go off when a break in happens that automatically calls the cops. It also can be used to call the fire department or an ambulance with a touch of a button.

Fire alarm going off don't know what to do its not even a fire landlord won't do nothing?

If there is a fire alarm going off you should call the fire department. There may be a gas or carbon monoxide leak. If the fire department is called, the landlord will be forced to do something.

Will manually turning off a shunt trip breaker set off the fire alarm?

Manually turning off a shunt trip breaker should not set off the fire alarm. The only way that the breaker could set off the fire alarm when turned to the off position is if there is an auxiliary contact on the breaker connected to the fire alarm circuit. This is not usually done because the breaker should be able to be turned off when doing maintenance on the breakers circuit. If the breaker is a mandatory feed breaker to a piece of fire alarm equipment and shouldn't be left in the off position it might have a trouble circuit connected to the fire alarm panel. A trouble alarm on a fire alarm panel is different from an alarm circuit alarm.

How much does it cost to call the fire department?

we set the fire alarm off accidently in a building and the truck turnedup. How much do they charge to come?

When does the fire alarm really go off?

When the smokes reaches the device and sets off the alarm

What is fire alarm system and heat detection system?

They can be the same thing. Fire Alarm Systems are electronic systems which are designed to warn and alert people in the case of a fire. These systems usually contain a central fire alarm control panel, a manual call point and smoke/heat detectors. The heat detectors and detect heat and set off the fire alarm and the smoke detectors detect the smoke from a fire to also set of the fire alarm system. The manual call points are pressed, smashed by someone in order to set off the fire alarms to warn occupants that there is a fire. Heat detectors and usually used in kitchens, bioler houses etc where a lot of smoke/stome is produced, thus stoppping false alarms. Although, you can get seperate heat detection systems which nearly do the same job as fire alarm systems, just with heat detectors.

Does smoking indoors set off a fire alarm?


Who set off the fire alarm?

Isn't it obvious...

Who gets called when a fire alarm goes off?

There are many different kinds of fire alarms: some notifications are local, some remote.Local, self-contained alarms only notify those who are within earshot of the noise. Anyone hearing an alarm would need to take steps to notify the fire department.Other "local" alarms could include smoke detectors that are wired together so that when one goes off they all go off, thus signalling anyone within earshot of any of the other smoke detectors.More sophisticated systems have a local panel and local alarm signal systems that may include horns, strobes, and other signals within the structure.Finally, some fire alarm panels are required to be connected for "remote signalling" to a licensed monitoring center or dispatcher who can then relay the information to the fire department and others for response to the alarm.

Why does my fire alarm go off when I blow dry my hair?

because it probably has a heat detector in the alarm therefor it goes off.

Where is the alarm box?

Often reffered to as the Manual Call Point or Break Glass. In other places this may be a Pull Station. When these are activated, they cause the fire alarm to go off. In some other cases, it could be reffered as the main fire alarm control panel, which controls, monitors and powers the system.

How do you stop the emergency alarm from going off on a door?

Call an alarm repair man to fix it.