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you have to duck and tuck

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Q: What are the things to do when tornado comes?
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What is a tornado wacth?

Tornado Watch is where there is a Tornado comming near the area where u live or maybe somewhere else. The news calls it a Tornado Watch. Tornado Watch is where a Tornado comes and people watch when it comes nearest to them so they could keepwatch on what is going to happen.

Does a drought comes after a tornado?

Generally not.

Where does the force of a tornado comes from?


What caused hailstone to fall after the first tornado?

it is that it is tornado alley it make a strong storm with ice and then ice comes then tornado

How do people plan for a tornado?

people plan for a tornado by just get all the things you think you need for a tornado andthats it

Is a tornado a type of storm?

A tornado comes from a type of storm called a rotating thunderstorm, but is not a storm, itself.

What comes first a tornado or a funnel cloud?

Generally the funnel cloud comes first.

What are conditions like on the ground before during and after a tornado?

before a tornado it is usally calm after a strong tornado there is lots of debris and during a tornado there are things flying everywhere

What do you do if a tornado comes and your outside?

try and get as low as you can. like in ditch

When an eye of a tornado comes back more severe than the general tornado what is that called?

When the eye of a tornado becomes more intense and destructive than the larger tornado, it is known as a "tornado within a tornado" or a "satellite tornado." This phenomenon occurs when a smaller, more powerful vortex forms within the main tornado circulation.

Why were tornadoes named tornado?

Tornado comes from the spanish word tronada, which comes from the latin word tonare to thunder. This may also have been combined with the Spanish word tornar, which means to turn.

Can a tornado have water in it and not be a hurricane?

Tornadoes and hurricanes are two different things. A tornado on water is called a waterspout.