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Things that you need to know to pass.

Even assuming we knew which specific test you're talking about, and that it never changes: do you think it's in anyone's best interest to allow incompetent people to pass the test and become medical personnel? Go study.

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Q: What are the answers on the Pediatric advanced life support test?
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What does the medical abbreviation pals mean?

In the medical world, PALS stands for pediatric advanced life support.

What has the author Leon Chameides written?

Leon Chameides has written: 'Pediatric advanced life support' -- subject(s): Pediatric emergencies, Infant, Life Support Care, Methods, Emergency Treatment, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, CPR (First aid) for children, Child, Emergency Medical Services, Resuscitation

Could someone explain what a PALS certification is?

PALS stands for Pediatric Advanced Life Support. It is a very important skill to have if you are looking to become a doctor and are going to be seeing children.

What is ACLS and PALS certifications?

ACLS is Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Means that you can use a defibrillator if you need to but you are also trained in CPR. PALS is Pediatric Life Support. Means that you know how to do proper life support on a child under the age of 6. I recommend for any one to take these two courses as they help the fire and medics when they arrive on seen that someone is helping them and already preforming advanced medical support.

What is the rank structure for the ambulance services?

You can start as a Basic EMT... Then an Intermediate EMT... and finally a paramedic. When they become para-gods, some can specialize in pediatric advanced life support, or cardio advanced like support. And depending on how experienced they are, can become senior paramedics, which are basically supervisors, etc. But that'a all said in the order or "rank" they go in when working on an ambulance.

Where can I go to get my Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification ?

You can get your Advanced Cardiac Life Support certification in the website . All information that you want it's at this website.

What is a.s.l.s. certification?

Advanced Stroke Life Support

Advanced cardiac life support or ACLS?


What does acls mean?

Advanced Cardiac Life Support.

What are the credentials of a paramedic?

It depends what state they are certified in and what courses are required. Most paramedics have training in PHTLS (pre hospital trauma life support), PALS (pediatric advanced life support), ACLS (advanced cardiac life support), and CPR. Most companies also require training in EVOC (emergency vehicle operation) as well as some mandated OSHA courses.

How long does a Advanced Cardiac Life Support LAST?

Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification is good for 2 years from the date of issuance. After that point, one must re-certify.

Who is the person qualified to perform advanced life support measures?
