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Q: What are some places Red Cross helped?
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Related questions

Who helped after Katrina hit?

The Red Cross Association helped.

How has the red cross helped someone?

The Red Cross has helped people by replacing The Blue Cross, that was founded in 1654 by Donald DeCapryo and Reedeno Crosshat. (This is where the name comes from).

What did the Red cross do for America?

it helped them through there lifes

Did Clara Barton really found the American Red Cross?

No she did not but she helped to. Find a book on her and it will tell you.

Can you take a red cross babysitting course at the age of ten?

I do not think so. Some places offer it at when your 11.

Who is Clara Barton?

Well, she founded the American Red Cross, helped as a nurse in the Civil War, and technically helped shape our medical community today.

Is the red cross in the whole world?

Sort of. In Muslim countries, the corresponding organization is called "Red Crescent". There's an international organization of the various semi-independent national Red Cross/Red Crescent/Red Whatever (I think it is, or has been, called "Red Lion" in some places) organizations.

Aims for the Australian Red Cross?

what are some of the red cross aims

What does Clara Barton do for the world?

She helped people by American Red Cross.

Who helped clean up the 2010 earthquake in Haiti?

The Red Cross

Why is Clara mass famous?

she is famous because she helped red cross

Where is red cross's babysitting courses located?

Its located at the red cross centre in london: try calling 01353 765998 I hope this helped x