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It can be and there may be delayed problems as well.

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Q: Is it serious if you hit your Cerebellum?
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Can a serious fall effect the cerebellum?

Yes, it can cause damage to it, especially with sharp blows to the head.

Is brain injury located on the back of your brain is it more serious than the front or side of your brain?

brain injury is more serious at the back of the brain. this is because the cerebellum is located in this area. the cerebellum controls coordination and balance :D btw i just guessed this

How does the cerebellum affect a baseball player?

The cerebellum controls balance and coordination, and baseball is 90% about coordination. A excellent cerebellum will mean that a baseball player will have top-notch accuracy when pitching or fielding, and great ability to hit a baseball. If an athlete is able to enhance the cerebellum, they will undoubtly do better at it.

Which is bigger medulla cerebrum or the cerebellum?

r cerebellum

What differences did you note in the structures of the sheep cerebellum and the human cerebellum?

The sheep cerebellum is much smaller than the human cerebellum.

Is a cerebellum a cell?

no, the cerebellum is the brain.

Difference between sheep's cerebellum and human cerebellum?

There are quite a few differences between sheep cerebellum and human cerebellum. The most noticeable difference is the size of each.

Which part of the brain is responsible for the maintenance of muscle tone and the coordination of muscle movements?


Is the cerebellum on the left of the brain?

No, the cerebellum is in the midbrain.

What is the plural of cerebellum?

The plural of cerebellum is cerebellums.

What coordinates complex muscular movements?


What part of the brain that controls balance is the?

its the cerebellum