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Not if there's a fire and the selected extinguisher is appropriate for that type of fuel.

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Q: Is it illegal to discharge a fire extinguisher in a government building?
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Is it illegal to discharge a fire extinguisher in canada?

HaHa im gonna gues no

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Yes, it is illegal in any state to discharge a fire extinguisher unless used to put out or control a fire or used in demonstration. The law comes in to effect when the fire extinguisher is not at capacity and can hinder the safety of it's purpose. To discharge a fire extinguisher for any other reason is criminal, states very on it's punishment.

Do you need to re-fill CO2 fire extinguisher even though its not empty?

You should always recharge an extinguisher after any use, for two reasons: 1. Using the extinguisher can disturb the sealing on the valve, allowing the pressurising gas to leak away (this is particularly a problem with dry powder extinguishers). 2. CO2 extinguishers only discharge for about 12-15 seconds for a normal-sized unit: a half-empty unit leaves the user only about 6 seconds of extinguishing time. it's illegal to replace a half-used extinguisher in a public building in most areas.

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The government made marijuana illegal because they can not put a tax on it.

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It's illegal, I think, to discharge it improperly. Garages recover the gases from your system. Junkyards may use the "oops" method to do this.

Is paintball guns illegal in willingboro NJ to have?

no, a paintball marker should not be illegal in any town to own, however some towns will not allow the discharge of a marker.

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yes and no. If you build it and sell it its illegal. if you make a prophit its illegal. Just building it isn't illegal.

Did the Tyranny Act make it illegal to criticize the government?

No that was the Sedition ActThe sedition acts made it illegal to publish anything negative about government and government officials. They still had freedom of speech. The act was repealed in 1801 anyway. So, we have never had a law to where it was illegal to criticize the government.

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