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Q: If you find yourself in the vicinity of blood or OPIM what are the most important areas you should protect to avoid personal contamination?
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Why is personal integrity important?

Because you have to live with yourself.

Why it is important to us?

Where engineering and other controls are not sufficient or not possible, it is important to use personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect yourself from recognized hazards in the workplace and maintain your personal safety and health.

Can I ask an independent contractor not to smoke while working if the work is not on my property but will sink into items they are carrying in their own personal vehicle for me?

If they have to be in the same compartment as the driver you can protect them yourself prior to transport if you are concerned about contamination.

Why is personal management so important?

Well if you can't manage yourself how are you going to be able to manage personnel.

Why is it important to use ppe?

Where engineering and other controls are not sufficient or not possible, it is important to use personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect yourself from recognized hazards in the workplace and maintain your personal safety and health.

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Personal selling is important because customers are looking at the whole package. If you can't sell yourself, then you will not be able to sell the product.

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If you want to make people like you, personal grooming is very important and the way you dress and carry yourself around.

When addressing a caller with a highly sensitive and personal issue it is important to?

do your best to avoid the issue at hand so as not to embarrass the caller or yourself

What can cutting yourself do to you?

When you cut yourself, you are at risk of tetanus (lockjaw) or other diseases. Cutting yourself can ruin relationships, alienate yourself from people, and it WILL leave scars. Also, you may accidentally cut an important vein, and you may bleed to death. I have personal experience with this in the past. DO NOT DO IT!

Why is it important to learn the proper way to handle a handgun?

It's extremely important to learn the proper way to handle a handgun for your safety and the safety of those around you. Knowing how to take care of the gun and make sure it isn't going to go off and injure yourself or anyone in the vicinity is essential to safe living.

Why is personal presentation and conduct important in maintaining health and safety in your workplace?

Personal presentation and conduct is important because you have to demonstrate your respect yourself in order to get respect. The way you dress, talk and behave all affect the level of respect you get.

How do you pay yourself as a self contractor?

As a self-contractor, you pay yourself by setting aside a portion of your earnings from each project or job to cover your personal income. You can do this by transferring funds from your business account to your personal account regularly, or by giving yourself a regular "paycheck" as if you were an employee of your own business. It's important to keep track of your income and expenses for tax purposes.