

Best Answer

Do not:

  • Wait until you can see or hear the tornado before taking cover
  • Attempt to outrun the tornado
  • Watch or take pictures or video of an approaching tornado
  • Take shelter in a trailer
  • Take cover under a bridge
  • Stay near windows
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Q: If you are in a tornado situation which should you NOT do?
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What should you do after a tornado has occurred?

it depends on the situation

What is a tornado emergency?

A tornado emergency is a special kind of tornado warning that is issued when a large tornado is threatening a populated area. A tornado emergency indicates a more dangerous situation than an ordinary tornado warning.

Why lay in a field when a tornado happens?

This is only a last resort if you cannot get to shelter. The reason you should lie flat in such a situation is so that you present less of a profile to the powerful winds of a tornado and are less of a target for flying debris. Also, most scientists believe that the winds of a tornado are slower closer to the ground.

How do you get out of a tornado situation?

Um...Well really run for your life and hope for the best

Where in a mobile home can you be safe from a tornado?

You should not be in a mobile home if there is a tornado coming. Mobile homes are very susceptible to tornado damage and should be abandoned for sturdier shelter during a tornado warning.

What you should do if you are in a severe weather situation with a tornado's?

Indoors: Take shelter in a basement, or the smallest room on the first floor (usually the bathroom). Outdoors, lay in a ditch or other depressed area.

A tornado tearing the roof off your house would be an example of what kind of stressor?

life situation

Should tornado alley be capitalized?

Yes, "Tornado Alley" should be capitalized because it is a proper noun referring to a specific region in the central United States known for its frequent tornado activity.

What should people in trailer homes do in case of tornado?

People who live in trailers should go to a sturdier building if a tornado threatens.

What is a tornado watch and a tornado warning?

A tornado watch means that weather conditions are favorable for tornadoes to form in a particular area, and people should stay alert and prepared. A tornado warning means that a tornado has been spotted or detected on radar in the area, and immediate action should be taken to seek shelter.

What does it mean when you a tornado is in your dream it is following you and your loved ones?

In dreams, a tornado represents an overwhelming problem that has spun entirely out of control. The situation is far beyond the dreamer's ability to control. This dream suggests that a chaotic situation is threatening not only the dreamer but those around the dreamer.

What do you do when your 8 year old is home alone with two babies in a tornado?

First of all, you should not leave an 8-year-old home alone with babies. However, if this situation arises, call your child on the phone if it is possible and tell him or her to take the babies and go to a safe spot, which you should have planned in advance. Do not try to get home ahead of the tornado, as you will only be endangering yourself.