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The word 'calamitous' is an adjective, and refers to something terrible/tragic/a horrible accident. So -- " I offer you my sincere condolences on the death of ____ in the calamitous earthquake that struck ____."

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Q: If i want to condole someone can i use the word calamitious?
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How do you use the word condole in a sentence?

To condole means to express sympathy for someone. Often used to send "condolences" to someone. An example would be: "Betty went home from college to condole with her mother after her father's death".

Is it correct to say condole him for the death of his uncle?

No. "Condole" is not used with an object. It would be correct to say "condole with him for the death of his uncle." Note that "condole" used this way is not very common, although "condolences" is, especially in the expression "to offer condolences."Another possibility is that you were thinking of the word console. Condole means to express sympathy with someone who is sad, and console means to comfort someone who is sad or disappointed. It is correct to say "console him over the death of his uncle."

What is console mean?

The word condole means to comfort someone , especially if someonew has lost a near and dear one.

What is the definition of the word condole?

Express sympathy with someone, or walk in someone's shoes. It is basically empathy. It is something that everyone has or at least should have, it also benefits society quite well.

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Pre means before. so the prefix is con.

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To condole, or give support to someone in a time of need. You give your condolences at a funeral for example, or you give your condolences to a friend in a time of need. You give your thoughts.

A sentence using the word condoling?

Many people try to condole others when there is a death in the family

Which word means saying what you want someone to hear?

Someone who does that is a "sycophant."

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You mean crybaby.

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a person that gets everything they want

What is the word when you want to be someone you arent?

A person who wants to be something they want is a wannabe.