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the planted bombs in the buildings

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Q: How many people killed in 911 attack?
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How many killed in Pakistan and Afghanistan after 911 attack?

Just over 19,629 people have been killed there. Its a real shame :(

What was the total death toll for the Sept 11 terrorist attack?

2,977 people were killed in the 911 attacks

How many people were killed in the 911 disaster?

2,000 or so

Who died at twin towers on 911?

In 911 attack there were about 2,752 people that died

Did Israel's secret service know about the 911 terrorist attack but failed to inform the US government?

From what I can tell, the 911 attack was a secret only to the American people. Many 'higher-ups' in government, ours and others, knew about the conspiracy and how it was executed. This includes the US government. This was not a surprise, it was planned murder, a government meant to serve the people but killed them instead, and then lied to whomever was still alive.

Which killed more people the attack on Pearl Harbor or the attack on the twin towers?

The attack on the Twin towers was more devastating. The deaths number near 3,000. The attack on Pearl Harbor recorded 2,403 killed in the battle/attack.

How many people did Jim Jones kill?

911 people were killed in the mass Jungles of Guyana South America.

Were the 911 world trade center attacks worse than a tornado?

Yes. The attack on the World Trade Center killed more people in 1 day than tornadoes did in the previous 35 years.

Why did they picked the day 911 to attack?

Most people think the terrorists picked that day to attack because 911 is our emergency number ... even though most people think that and it may seem true we may never know 100%

Why where they trying to kill Osana bin Laden?

They killed him because he planned the 911 attack that killed thousands of people.He threw bombs in white house as well.He also threw bombs.

How many Americans killed on 911?

The death toll of the attacks was over 6000

How many hijackers died on 911?

19 Hijackers died at The 9/11 Attack