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There are at least 25,000 a year everywhere!

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Q: How many homes are destroyed per year from tornadoes?
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How many homes are destroyed in tornadoes?

at least 25,000 per year by tornadoes.

How many people lose their homes to tornadoes a year?

On average, about 1,000 tornadoes hit the United States each year, resulting in varying numbers of homes being destroyed or damaged. The exact number of people who lose their homes to tornadoes annually can fluctuate significantly depending on the severity and frequency of tornado events.

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Would tornado alley destroy a lot of homes?

Tornado Alley itself is not destructive, but the tornadoes that frequent it can be. The tornadoes in Tornado Alley destroy many homes each year.

What effect does a tornado have on people's lives?

Perhaps most obviously, tornadoes can end peoples lives. Tornadoes kill dozens of people every year. Tornadoes frequently injure people as well, sometimes leading to permanent disability. People may also have their homes, farms, or businesses destroyed.

How many people die from tornadoes in homes without basements or safe rooms?

it depends on how many tornadoes happen in a year, but still if you don't have a basement you have a more likely chance to be killed if you are hit.

Are more people killed by tornadoes or are more properties destroyed by tornadoes?

More often property is damaged. Many if not most of the 1,200 tornadoes that occur in the United States each year cause some sort of damage. This amounts to thousands of people having their property damage or destroyed. But only about 60 deaths result from those same tornadoes.

How many tornadoes does russia have a year?

About 30 tornadoes per year.

Do tornadoes affect living things?

Yes. Tornadoes very frequently destroy plants and animal habitats. Every year people lose their homes and are injured or killed by tornadoes.

Can tornadoes affect living things?

Yes. Tornadoes very frequently destroy plants and animal habitats. Every year people lose their homes and are injured or killed by tornadoes.

How many tornadoes strike in Canada once a year?

about 80 tornadoes each year

How many tornadoes does Dallas have per year?

well they have about 3 tornadoes each year