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Depending on the size of the building it is between 1 and 3 minutes. Smoke can kill and many deaths in a fire are not caused by burns, but smoke inhalation (also referred to as 'Pretty Corpses').

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Q: How long should it take to get out of a house for a fire drill?
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How long should a fire drill last?

Should last about 30 minutez

How long you have to do fire drills?

The drill should only last 10-15 minutes.

How long does it take for black smoke to fill a house?

depends how big the source is and where the fire is. It will fill faster if the fire is at the bottom of the house

How long does a mock fire drill take with kids?

5 to 10 mins its down to the school i its big its up to 10 mins

How long does it take to drill and tap a rifle?

Drill and tap it for what?

What can be used to drill holes in aluminium?

You can drill holes in aluminum with a drill as long as you have the proper drill bit. Use a regular drill bit and keep speed moderate.

Two hazards using a pillar drill?

A pillar drill is another name for a drill press. The biggest hazards are objects getting wrapped around the chuck, and debris or projectiles being thrown. So long hair, ties, and loose clothing should be avoided, eye protection should be worn, and your work should be securely clamped to the work area. Other hazards could include drilling oneself, being injured inside the gearbox, or starting a fire. So you should keep all body parts from around the chuck and pulleys while the drill is in operation. You should be careful to not let your work get overly hot, not operate the press in the presence of flammable vapors, and not overload the outlets.

Are the power drills at Slim's Power Tools appropriate for the home user?

Slim has been in business for a long time, 1972 in fact. So I believe that it is a good place to buy a drill. However, these are industrial strength and expensive drills at this store, so for home use, if you are just doing some tasks around the house, you should go to walmart and buy a drill.

What actions will be taken by the person discovering a fire in the home?

Immediately get you family out of the house. Do this before you do anything else. Then get to a phone to call 911. Fire doesn't kill people. The smoke gets them long before you see flames. If you discover a fire, you have only seconds before you can be overcome. Just get out.

Can you use a drill bit to measure a kilometer?

No, a drill bit is quite small and also not a measuring tool. A kilometer is quite a long distance and would be as long as around 10,000 average drill bits.

Did you remember to turn the gas off before you left?

you should always turn off the gas if you leave your house for a long vacation, but you dont always have to if you are just going out for a weekend trip or you have a house sitter. By not turning off your gas there is always that small chance that you could have a house fire.

If you are a basketball forward what are some good drills to can do alone and how long should you do them?

try the Mikan drill, do it for as long as u want, try lay-ups,free-throws,and jumpshots,