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beckus the man in the blood sky is Harry Potter and changes the wether and makes floods happen

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Q: How does flooding affect the people in the UK?
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How does flooding affect people and the environment?

people die or axtyliunly amacdo.

How did flooding rivers affect people who settled in Mesopotamia?

peace out peps sincerly, Taylor c.

How does flooding affect people?

it affects them because they might live on street's as Haiti and Hungary they've experienced lots of frights and they lose their houses and most people can die

What was the affect of the rivers flooding in Mesopotamia?

The affect of rivers flooding in Mesopotamia was that the rivers would deposit silt which was very good for growing crops

How are people who live nearby affect by the nile river?

People who live nearby the Nile river are affected by the animals , erosion, flooding, and contamination.

How does UK cope with floods?

The UK has drains and the also have sewers where the flooding water may be maintained. They also have this flooding controlled agency which gets money form the government to help the UK in the time of the floods.

Where in the UK does flooding often occur?

Everywhere...its an island

How common is sarcoidosis in the UK?

Sarcoidosis is estimated to affect about 1 in every 10,000 people in the UK.

How did the flooding of the nile affect the growth of the population?

The floods help the people get water for their crops to grow because there was little rainfall.

How does river flooding depositing rich soil affect Egypt?

It effects egypt bc it is flooding there towns

How does flooding affect plants and animals?

it kill its !!

How did flooding of Nile affect the growth of the population in kush?

The floods help the people get water for their crops to grow because there was little rainfall.