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Fires can spread by means of:

  • Direct ignition - open flames, lightning, lighted cigarette butts, hot ashes
  • Radiation - Sun rays, lighting bulbs, radiators
  • Convection - overheating, smoke and heated air
  • Conduction - Heating elements, hot metals
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13y ago

Add accelerants while increasing amounts of Oxygen.

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14y ago

Slowly, more and more branches and bushes catch on fire, 'spreading' it

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Q: How does fire spread using convection?
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Name at least three ways a fire could spread?

conduction, convection and radiation.

Does A stable atmosphere acts to increase fire behavior by enhancing convection?

No, a stable atmosphere typically suppresses fire behavior by limiting vertical movement of air and reducing convection. Stable conditions can hinder the development of strong updrafts and spread of fire.

Are convection and radiation are the primary mechanisms of heat transfer responsible for the spread of fire from the ground to the ceiling?

Yes, convection and radiation are the primary mechanisms of heat transfer responsible for the spread of fire from the ground to the ceiling. Convection transfers heat through the movement of hot air rising, while radiation emits heat energy in the form of electromagnetic waves, both of which contribute to the rapid spread of fire in enclosed spaces such as buildings.

What are three paths of fire spread in a residential structure?

Three paths of fire spread in a residential structure are through conduction (heat transfer through materials), radiation (heat transfer through electromagnetic waves), and convection (heat transfer through air movement). These paths can lead to rapid fire growth and spread within a building.

Is a fire convection or radiation?

A fire is radiation.

Is fire convection-conduction or radiation?

A fire is radiation.

Is fire convection conduction or radiation?

A fire is radiation.

Is a fire convection conduction radiation?

A fire is radiation.

Is cooking a hot dog over a fire conduction or convection?


What method does campfires transfer heat?

Campfires transfer heat primarily through convection and radiation. Convection occurs as the hot air rises from the fire, creating air currents that spread the heat. Radiation involves the emission of electromagnetic waves, which heat objects or surfaces that are in the fire's line of sight.

What is fire spread?

fire spread is the rate of time and area a fire can move or grow

Why can't the suns heat reach us by conduction or convection?

because there is no medium, conduction and convection need medium to spread through, they cannot spread through vacuum.