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You get them to a hospital ASAP! This is not something you can do at home, it require doctors.

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Q: How do you save someone who has swallowed a needle?
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Get your cat to a vet immediately! The needle can perforate the stomach or intestines and cause internal injury and bleeding.

What do you do if someone swallowed a balloon?

die, may not breath

If someone swallowed hair would they be in trouble medically?

Not generally, no.

Can you save a crown that has been swallowed?

Yes it will not digest, but will pass right through the digestive tract and out of the body.

Why would it be dangerous to give first aid to someone who swallowed chemicals?

Its not dangerous.

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call 911

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save someone's life

Can a Nerf Dart Needle kill someone?

actually it can like piercing the heart with an ordinary needle nerf dart or put poison on the needle nerf dart

Did Zeus save his brothers?

Yes. After defeating his father he forced his father to spit out his siblings which his father had previously swallowed.

What to do when you swallowed medicine that says If swallowed get medical help?

call for medical help or tell someone to do it for you right away or else serious injuries can cause or even death.

Where is the needle in the haystack?

Usually, there is a haystack, and someone throws a needle in the haystack. The game is to try to be the first to find the needle. The needle may be anywhere in the stack and may be right on the surface of the stack, or in the very middle of the stack.

If you share a needle to get a tattoo with a person that doesnt have HIV can you still get it?

No. The only way you can get HIV is if you used a needle by someone who has the virus.