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well i think they move to a different place

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Q: How do rich countries cope with floods?
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How can floods be stopped?

By improving the matigation measures

How does Bangladesh cope with floods relate to Pakistan?

With Specialised buildings that are on stilts that allow water to pass underneath.

What causes Egypt to have rich farmland?

What causes rich farmland in Egypt is when the Nile floods leave rich soil for crops.

What was the result of the Nile River floods?

When the floods went down it left thick rich mud (black silt) which was excellent soil to plant in.Silt deposited by annual floods along the Nile River created the rich and fertile soil that could be cultivated.

What is rich fertile soil left by floods?

Silt is rich fertile soil left behind by floods. It is brought in by rivers when they overflow and deposit sediment containing nutrients that can benefit crops and vegetation.

What is a area that is built up by rich fertile soil left by river floods?

A floodplain is an area that is built up by rich fertile soil left by river floods. This nutrient-rich soil is ideal for agriculture and is replenished each time the river floods, making it a productive and valuable area for farming.

How does UK cope with floods?

The UK has drains and the also have sewers where the flooding water may be maintained. They also have this flooding controlled agency which gets money form the government to help the UK in the time of the floods.

How did floods help the land along the nile?

The farmers removed nutrients from the soil. The floods brought fresh nutrient-rich mud from the mountains.

Which countries are affected by floods?

Pakistan,japan and Thailand

What countries are most effected by floods?

japan , and china

Which countries have floods problems?

china,america,indonesia, low sea level countries

What countries have most floods and why?

hola miamo sergio ronaldo