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Most tornadoes form within a larger circulation called a mesocyclone that usually exists for some time before a tornado forms. Doppler radar can detect this rotation, and warnings issued baded on that. The cicruclation of the tornado itself may also be detected before it touches down. Warnings can then be issued through TV and radio broadcasts, online outlets, smartphone apps, and, in some towns, sirens.

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Q: How are people warned about a tornado before it happens?
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Can you be warned before a tornado?

Yes. Tornado warnings are commonplace in the United States, with an average lead time of 14 minutes.

What is a tornado warned storm?

A tornado warned storm is a thunderstorm for which a tornado warning has been issued, meaning that the storm is producing rotation that can spawn a tornado.

How do tornado spotters help people stay safe when a tornado is approaching the area?

Storm spotters can help tell exactly were a tornado is and where it is going, so people in the path can be warned and get to safety.

What is a tornado threat or tornado warned Storm?

A tornado warned storm is a thunderstorm for which a tornado warning has been issued, indicating that it is capable of producing a tornado. A tornado threat is a general term that refers to the danger tornadoes may pose to an area during a particular storm.

How did people prepare for the tornado in Waco Texas?

They didn't prepare. Waco was never warned about the approaching tornado, which was obscured by rain. As a result, nobody knew it was coming.

Are people warned when there is going to a tornado?

In developed nations such as the U.S. yes. Tornado warnings are broadcast through television, radio, the internet, and some smartphone apps. In some towns sirens will sound during a tornado warning.

What is the prefix for warned-before?

Warned has no prefixes or suffixes.

Can you get kicked off WikiAnswers?

Yes. Usually this happens if you are rude or offensive to other people, if you are warned and then continue to do whatever you were warned for, or if you are spamming or vandalizing the site.

Were people warned that the tornado in Joplin Missouri was coming?

Yes, though circumstances still led to some being caught off guard. The City of Joplin was under a tornado warning for 17 minutes before the tornado actually formed, so residents were told of a thunderstorm with the potential to produce a tornado. When the tornado actually touched down, it was only a mile outside of Joplin and was causing damage in the city only two minutes later. While the warning was updated accordingly, it gave little time for the people on the west side of Joplin.

Is the tornado natures payback or God's wrath?

Both, it seems. God has warned people, throughout history, to worship only Him and stay away from evil. We are not doing it.

Does a warning or a watch come first in a tornado?

Usually a watch is issued first, and then warnings are issued as tornadic storms develop. However, occasionally a tornado warned storm may develop without a tornado watch.

What should you do when unexcepted tornado?

Move into a room, or better, a small space with no windows or glass as fast as you can. But more than likely you'll be warned with tornado sirens beforehand.