Usually your policy will have a section covering your liability as a homeowner. This may cover the neighbour. Check your policy ask your insurer
Yes, but you would have to pay what your homeowners deductible.
No. Your Homeowners insurance is "Property" insurance. It covers property damages caused by certain covered Perils such as Fire, Wind, Hail, Lightning, Fire etc. You will not find coverage on your Home Insurance Policy for death or related expenses.
Yes. But the electrical company's insurance co should cover it if they are at fault.
Actually, This is covered under your Contractors General Liability Insurance. If your contracting builder does not have insurance, you need to get rid of him, and find another contractor immediately.
Generally no. The only time that your homeowners policy will cover property of anyone else is if you are legally liable for the damages. For instance if you started a fire on purpose for some reasonable need that got away from you and they neighbor demanded payment. In this case you turn it over to your insurance company which will decide how to proceed. You liability section provides coverage for damages and they will provide legal defense in addition to the liability coverage if necessary. I will caution you that liaiblity claims will make you typhoid Mary to insurance companies and you will not have luck getting or keeping homeowners insurance.
Yes, in most cases your neighbor's insurance may be responsible for paying for fire damage to your property caused by your neighbor's negligence. You would typically need to file a claim with your neighbor's insurance company to seek compensation for the damages.
Yes, Homeowners insurance typically does provide coverage for losses that result from an accidental fire.
Homeowners insurance covers what is inside the home. Check your auto insurance for auto damages.
Your homeowners insurance will pay. Whether or not the subrogate to the neighbors coverage is up to them. You may also want to consider a Public Adjuster, who is on your side in this mess. He can help you press your claim and get the maximum you have coming. The average settlement is 42% higher when Public Adjuster is engaged!
Of course not. Scabies is a skin condition caused by a type of mite. There is not way that this would be covered under a homeowners insurance policy
NO. Your neighbor is not liable for an act of nature that fells a tree. Your homeowners insurance will fix the damage to your property and the neighbors insurance would fix damage to the neighbors property. It does not matter who the tree belonged to.AnswerMaybe. It doesn't hurt to try if your neighbor will tell you who they are insured with. They are not obligated to do so. AnswerI'm not really sure. However, I do have a friend and his neighbor's house actually fell on top of his, but they considered it still standing and didn't give the full amount of the house's worth. AnswerYour own homeowner's insurance should cover this. If they think the neighbor is responsible, they will collect from his insurance company. In a hurricane a tree could have come from the next county - then how would you know whose tree it was? It depends on your state's laws, but most would consider this an act of nature and you are responsible for the damage caused by your neighbors tree. Call your insurance company, if you have a storm damage rider, this will most likely be covered.
Typically, standard homeowners insurance policies do not cover damage to a foundation caused by earthquakes. You would need to purchase a separate earthquake insurance policy or rider to have coverage for this type of damage.