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Yes, a few tornadoes has in fact been confirmed in Orange County. but i dont think strong tornadoes can hit LA it is highly unlikley

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Q: Can tornadoes occur in LA
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Is LA a likely place for tornadoes to occur?

No. Tornadoes are fairly rare in California and they are almost always weak. That said, a few tornadoes have occurred in the LA area.

When do most tornadoes occur?

Most tornadoes occur in spring.

In what weather do tornadoes occur?

Tornadoes occur during severe thunderstorms.

Can tornadoes occur in Hawaii?

Yes, tornadoes can occur in Hawaii, but they are very rare.

Can tornadoes occur in the northern hemishpere?

Yes. Tornadoes occur in both hemispheres.

Do tornadoes occur in winter?

Yes. Tornadoes can occur at any time of year.

Do tornadoes occur in Beverly Hills?

Yes. Tornadoes can occur in Beverly Hills.

Do tornadoes occur after 10pm?

Yes. Tornadoes can occur at any time of day or night.

Can tornadoes occur in Africa?

Yes, tornadoes occur on every continent except Antarctica.

What state is a tornado most likely to occur?

Although tornadoes occur in all states, the state with the most tornadoes is Texas.

What season do tornadoes occur?

Tornadoes can occur in any season but are most common in the spring.

Where and when do tornadoes occor?

tornadoes can occur anytime and any where