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Yes droughts can casue no rain. So no rain, your crops will get ruined, which means no food. :P

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Q: Can drought cause other disasters to occer?
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Do floods cause other disasters?

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El Niño can cause increased rainfall leading to flooding and mudslides in some regions. It can also lead to drought conditions in other areas, resulting in crop failures, water shortages, and wildfires.

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things like forest fires, floods, or other disasters can cause secondary succession.

Can tsuamis cause other natural disasters?

Of course! Tsunamis could cause floods (which is considered as a natural disaster).

How can natural disasters cause people to move to another location?

They would want to live in another an area with no natural disasters cause there is a better chance of life expectancy, unless they want to die or other personal reasons.

How can wind cause drought?

Wind can cause drought by accelerating evaporation of moisture from soil and vegetation, leading to a depletion of water resources. Strong winds can also enhance the drying effect on crops and other plants, exacerbating the impact of drought conditions. Additionally, wind can transport humid air away from an area, further reducing available moisture and contributing to drought conditions.

Why doesn't a drought go away when it rains?

cause there might not be enough rain.

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It can cause earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and other natural disasters depending on where you live.