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Yes, if you mean a "torch" with a flame, such as a propane or butane torch. An electric flashlight, known as a torch in British English, would not have enough heat to set off an ordinary sprinkler.

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Q: Can a torch set off a fire sprinkler?
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How do you add zones to a fire sprinkler system?

Fire sprinkler systems are effectively already zoned - you don't need to do anything special. When your fire sprinkler system detects a fire, it doesn't set off all the sprinkler heads at once. Instead, each fire sprinkler head goes off when the temperature underneath it reaches a specific temperature, meaning only the ones affected by the fire will go off.

What does torch mean?

A torch is a stick or stick-like structure, which is on fire at the top, and held at the bottom, that is used either as a source of light, or to set fire to other things.

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Because they want to have it and it means that the fire is set to the rain

Does a fire alarm set off the sprinkler system?

Most standard fire sprinklers are activated by heat. There's a small bulb of liquid that keeps the water back in the pipes before a fire begins. When a fire breaks out, that liquid will heat up and eventually cause the bulb to burst, releasing the water from behind it.

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to get set on fire you must add friction on cloth or a wool like sweater or pants or use a lighter or blow torch

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No, you can't light TNT with regular torches, but a Redstone Torch placed next to it, will set it off.

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How are timers set up in a sprinkler system?

Sprinkler systems can use many components that control the flow of the water. A plastic piping connects the water supply to the electric valves and the sprinkler.