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No one can fully predict the effect on an ecosystem if Dinosaurs were reintroduced.

Some small species might be able to, however none of the large species would survive due to a lack of oxygen. There is far less of it today then there was when the dinosaurs lived.

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9y ago
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12y ago

The creationist interpretation:

Thousands of years ago when dinosaurs and people that lived for hundreds of years the people started getting very evil like bad worse than you could ever imagine. So god got mad and told Noah to get 2 of every animal and put them on a big boat he had to built his family would com along too. He did except for dinosaurs ( i think because they were extinct) and god sent a flood to kill all living things. But Noah and the animals made it through because of the ark.

The scientific interpretation:

Technically there are dinosaurs alive today, as birds are classified as a clade of dinosaurs. Other than that all dinosaurs were wiped out 65.5 million years ago in some cataclysm. The exact nature of that event is unknown but the two most popular theories are these:

  1. A giant asteroid or comet collided with earth. This sent massive quantities of dust into the atmosphere which blocked out the sun causing photosynthesis to stop. As plants died so did many of the animals that fed on them. Although small animals fared somewhat better large animals couldn't find enough food. The blocked sunlight and emission of gasses from the impact and resulting forest fires also threw the climate into chaos. Incendiary debris from the impact would have started fires worldwide. The crater of the impact has been found in the Yucatan Peninsula
  2. A massive outpouring of lava, known as flood basalts erupted in India, forming what we now called the Deccan Traps. The gasses released would have had similarly catastrophic effects on the climate. At the time of the impact India was almost exactly on the opposite side of the world from the Yucatan, leading some scientists to believe that the impact may have triggered the flood basalts.
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12y ago

There are no more dinos because the race was supposedly destroyed by an asteroid impact. This caused the food to become scarce and the dinosaurs went extinct.

ANS2:There are still dinosaurs: Birds.
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10y ago

They could live today, except that they are extinct. If we brought them back from extinction, though, they could not roam wild. If they did, they would cause immense damage to modern ecosystems, which are not capable of supporting such large animals.

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11y ago

Some people think there are still dinosaurs, but they've changed so much we don't recognize them. Take a book with dinosaur pictures in it to the zoo and look at the emus.

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12y ago

scientist belive a comet came and killed them really

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15y ago

Because there big and scary. KL.

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13y ago

k-t extiction

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