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mainly for defense, if they were attacked they could defend themselves with their horns. however scientists also think that the male triceratops used their horns for display when courting a mate.

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13y ago

Triceratops probably had horns for defense against predators, as well as so that males could fight for dominance and/or mates (as modern gazelle, antelope, goats, and other horned herbivores do).

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Q: Why does the triceratops have three horns?
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There are three horns on a triceratops right?

Yes there are three horns on a Triceratops. ~Singer

What dinosaur has 3 horns?

The dinosaur with three horns is called the "Triceratops". It is a large plant eater with a frill protecting it's neck. The Triceratops uses the horns for spearing plants, and as weapons to protect itself from predators.

What is a name for a dinosaur with 3 horns?

The Triceratops because it has three horns on it's face.

Which dinosaur had three horns?

The Triceratops,Chasmosaurus,Arrhinoceratops,Anchiceratops,Pentaceratops,andTorosaurus.

How many horns did a triceratops?

Triceratops means "three horned face." It refers to the two brow horns and the nose horn that Triceratops had.

does triceratops have three horns?


What dinosaur has three horns eats plants but is not a triceratop?

All dinosaurs that ate plants and had three horns were relatives of Triceratops. Some examples that are not Triceratops, but are related to Triceratops, include Agujaceratops, Anchiceratops, Arrhinoceratops, and Chasmosaurus.

Why did sicentists call the triceratops three horned face?

Triceratops had three horns, one above each eye and one on its nose. That is why they were named Triceratops.

How many horns do have triceratops?

Three, one each above its eyes and one nose horn.

Definition of the dinosaur name triceratops?

Triceratops means "three horned face." It refers to the two brow horns and the nose horn that Triceratops had.

What is the meanig of the dinosaur name Triceratops?

Triceratops means "three horned face." It refers to the two brow horns and the nose horn that Triceratops had.

Which of the dinosaurs below is known for having three horns on its head?
