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This fight is most likely 50/50.

To solve this problem, we must first look at the combatants.


Weight: 6.4 tons

Length: 12.8 metres

Weapons: Bannana-shaped serrated teeth that could break through bones and an 8 ton bite force.

Advantages: Stronger bite force, probably more agile, larger brain.

Disadvantages: Much smaller, its arms were very small and weak, and it could probably take less wounds.


Weight: 12 tons

Length: 18 metres

Weapons: Long, deeply rooted teeth, a 3-5 ton bite force and long, hook-like claws on flexible arms.

Advantages: It was much larger, and its weak spots (head and neck) would be out of the reach of its opponent. It was more muscular and likely could take more damage.

Disadvantages: Slightly weaker bite force, and the fatty hump on its back would make it slightly less flexible.

The fight is almost completely balanced.

My opinion: Personally, I think the t-rex would have won because the spino. usually hunts for fish rather than dinosaurs while the t-rex regularly hunts, and also if spino falls, he dies because spino's spine is connected to the fin.

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11y ago
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14y ago

I'm answering my question here :P one, I'm a spinosarus fan i like them but they are only 20% known/discovered against a 70% known t-rex fossils, while spino's are faster, have less bite fore (not by that much in recent discoveries) but the spinosaurs also has bigger hands, good advantage, and news flash, if it knocks on to its side where it's sail gets broken or something near that, it wouldn't die that easy, it's sail is only meant for intimidating and mating and it slows the spino dawn a bit but, it's 60ft tall croc-like spino's are smarter than t-rex to, but in a long run idk honestly, the t-rex has a very incredible bite force, 37ft, tiny arms, breaks bones, not very smart, slow, more muscle, but not as much strength, honestly, you have to have a lot of strength to live and fish near the largest croc to ever live, in case he trys grabbing you as a snack, 60ft croc, so a spino has to have much more strength because it actually fishes, everyone knows you need strength to fish, and for rex, if rexy ever gets the spino's legs, tail, neck, or head t-rex may win -instant win if it gets the neck and head and assumably legs, but other than that the spinosarus would anticipate t-rex and intimidate him for a perfect grab, honestly it's 50-50% they evenly match out, if rexy can get to this spot, if spino can get him to chase him till it gets to a certain spot, all the same. both can win both can lose but you do gotta give credit to a 20%known Dino matching up to a t-rex. it's my opinion and with lots of facts in piled most of it is true, don't think a spino is worth nothing, remember one thing, Brains Beats Bronze no matter what!! but spino don't have those brains neither t-rex but t-rex is a lot dumber than most Dino's (mostly dumber than other carnivores) however, i don't really know if spino is smarter than t-rex because no one knows yet so that makes it worse, honestly it's still 50-50 so yea, lets just balance that out hope less people fight over it because if not than go cry to your mommies this IS 48% fact and 52% opinion.

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12y ago

T.Rex: smarter, stronger, better senses

Spinosaurus: more useful arms, longer

T.Rex would win 8 or 9 times out of 10.

Additionally, T. rex was specially adapted for killing other large dinosaurs. On the other hand, based on analysis of the shape of its scull, teeth, and claws scientists think spinosaurus was primarily a fish eater.

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11y ago

I personally think that the Tyrannosaurus Rex would have a better chance of beating a spinosaurus. People think that just because the Spino killed the T-rex in Jurassic Park 3 that means the Spino is stronger, but it's just not true. They didn't even exist near each other. The spino lived in area's around Egypt while the T-Rex lived in North America. But I personally think the T-Rex would have won because it's bite force of 105,000 newtwons to 171,000 newtons! That's like a bite force of 7x's the great white shark's bite! The Spino had about a bite force of 40,000! Also, Spinosaurus was a fish eater apparently but ate dinosaurs occasionally, while the T-rex was just a born predator that killed dino's for a living, so he had more experience. Also in the movie, the Spino should have died when he was bitten on the neck by the t-rex.

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9y ago

Spinosaurus was probably a quadruped. Although they were huge, they were adapted for hunting fish. On the other hand, Tyrannosaurus was a biped, making it taller so it could attack from above, and had a powerful bite force. It evolved to kill large dinosaurs. For those reasons, T-Rex would probably win despite its smaller size. Also note that Spinosaurus died out 25 million years before T-Rex evolved, and the former lived in Africa, while the latter lived in North America, so they never would have encountered each other.

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13y ago

Spinosaurus. The largest carnivorous dinosaur on the planet.

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14y ago

Spinosaurus will win. Spinosaurus is the largest and most powerful carnivore on Earth. It is almost 24 ft tall, 60 ft long, and weighs about 10 tons.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

spinosaurus would win the only thing I see the Trex having is bite force and it could not bit something that is taller and has claws for defense if it comes to close and we don't know the spinosaurus bite force they say it's similar to a crocodile and we all know how deadly that a crocodile could be

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Lvl 1
4y ago

True but in a fight a tyrannosaurus would win

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Q: Who would win in a fight tyrannosaurus rex or spinosaurus?
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Maybe the people you know believe that Spinosaurus could fight a Tyrannosaurus, but, most people believe the latter. In fact, Spinosaurus and Tyrannosaurus did not even live in the same time period, let alone the same continent.

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a rex was dumb that a spinosaurus could kill it is all i can say.

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Spinosaurus, although both the Allosaurus and commonly known Tyrannosaurus Rex are close behind.

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spinosaurus thought that the carcharodontosaurus was tyrannosaurus rex that's why they get into fights.

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It is not possible that in history the Spinosaurus would have ever encountered the Tyrannosaurus rex. The Spinosaurus was alive in the early crustantean period while the T-rex was alive in the late part of the crustantean period.

King of dinosaurs?

Normally Tyrannosaurus rex is said to be the "King of the Dinosaurs". but if you think in size it is the Spinosaurus

Who do people like better trex or spinosaurus?

When I ask people what their favorite dinosaur is, by far the majority say Tyrannosaurus rex. I haven't asked a lot of people, but nobody has answered Spinosaurus. Technically, I don't have a very large sample size, but I would still guess that Tyrannosaurus is far more popular than Spinosaurus.

Who would win in a fight between T-rex and Spinosaurus?

Actually it depends on what type it is if it was a bloodthrsty spino it would knockout the t rex but it is true that a spinosaurus is a better fighter and if u diaagree please answer differently

Who is the king of dinosaur?

It was previously thought that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was the king of the dinosaurs. However, recent evidence has proved this was wrong. The king of the dinosaurs was actually the Spinosaurus. Which was much larger, stronger, faster and far superior than the T-Rex.

Why Spinosaurus is considered weaker then Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Spinosaurus was likely more adapted to fishing than fighting. If the two ever could meet, it was unlikely a fight would have broken out however. Tyrannosaurus was more adapted to killing, with a bone crushing jaw, unlike Spinosaurus's long, and thin jaw. The only weapons Spinosaurus may have had against a dinosaur like T-Rex would probably have been its strong arms tipped with large claws.

Can the Biggest T-Rex kill a Spinosaurus?

Spinosaurus was larger than Tyrannosaurus, but they mostly hunted fish. Tyrannosaurus had a much greater bite force and regularly hunted large and dangerous prey like Edmontosaurus and Triceratops. They may have even lived in packs, which would give them a huge advantage. In a one on one fight, I would guess that either could kill the other, although in most combat between two species one will surrender before either die. As a final note, Spinosaurus and Tyrannosaurus lived on separate continents millions of years apart, and thus they never would have encountered each other in life.