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If we went back in time, we actually couldn't tell because Spinosaurus lived before the t-rex. But, if they did, it would be a tough battle. Spinosaurus had a use for its hands and was much bigger and longer than our rex. Our 'king" had small arms but was very deadly. Spinosaurus weighed more than him, so it might have been harder to take him down. I'm not too sure who would win, but in my opinion, it would be Spinosaurus. -dino-b, the dinosaur loving expert The Spinosaurus is probably a little bit faster than the Tyrannosaurus, and is longer and slightly larger (not counting the sail). One bite to the Spino's neck from the Rex would easily kill the thing. The opposite may also be true. However, it is a common fact that the T-Rex's jaws can easily crush a car. Just to add a Second Opinion..There are many reasons why each could be the victor...For Trex It had way more powerful Jaw musles...Plus a harder skull that could be used for ramming....Spinosurs had a longer jaw almost like a crocodile or an alligator...It also had longer arms...Which are belived for catching fish...same with its Jaws...... They also have there downfalls Trex had small arms witch if it fell it would have trouble getting up(Get on the ground and shorten your arm lenght then try to get up) ...Ppl belive that Trex may have had poor vision only because there eye sockets were at the sides and they belive the Jurassic Park fack that they wont see you if u dont move Spinosaurs had weaker jaws almost like a crocidiles....So if you put a giant muzzle on its faws it couldent move its jaws up..... If you saw Jurassic Park 3 which was over exaggerated....Trex should of been the victor in the first place because Trex bit spinos neck(jugular) then fell...That should of been its downfall...But No Spino got up grabbed Trexs neck and head and cracked it....I may sound byised for Trex im not say Spino couldent beat Trex...It would be a fair chance...

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Q: Who would win in a fight spinosaurus or rex?
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Who would win in a fight between T-rex and Spinosaurus?

Actually it depends on what type it is if it was a bloodthrsty spino it would knockout the t rex but it is true that a spinosaurus is a better fighter and if u diaagree please answer differently

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Neither, a T Rex will come along and eat both before the bell rings

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mapusarus would win in a fight because spinosaurus only ate fish so its teeth were small and brittle plus it was only 18 to 20 feet tall so spinosaurus would not win under any cercomstanses

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t-rex would win because its much stronger and has the most powerful jaw

Can spinosaurus win a fight against t rex?

No because the t-rex has the strongest and an extremely powerful jaw which could bite off 230kgs (500pds) of meat in one bite. It was the largest predator ever to walk the Earth.

Who would win spinosaurus or allosaurus?

the question is clear the spinosaurus would win. even though the t rex is the dinosaur king the spinosaurus is larger, stronger, and more of a swimmer than a t rex. also the t rex has tiny two clawed arms and the spinosaurus has long three clawed arms. plus the sinosaurus can jump farther and hit harder when jumping towards something. its arms can help the spinosaurus to jump farther by using them as legs. That guy above me is totally incorrect. Most likely some kid that just watched jurassic park 3. First of all if spinosaurus fell, it would die instantly because the spine is connected to the fin. And also, the spinosaurus is not stronger than the t-rex, Researches found that the T-rex may be the strongest bite force that a land animal ever existing. And also, T-rex and Spino both lived on different places, so they would never fight each other. Spino's jaws aren't meant for killing dinosaurs however they are meant for catching fish unlike the t-rex which had experience killing dinosaurs.

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Spinosaurus would be able to win this pretty easily, considering Baryonyx was much smaller.

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well the t-rex might have been the king of all dinoes but the spinosaurus was the largest carnivore of all time if the two faced off the spino will win due to the fact that it had larger claws and was way much smarter

Who would win t-rex or carcharodontosaurus?

x A spinosaurus is bigger in size and its mouth is longer so that gives it a range advantage, but the T-rex is built for fighting other theropods. A trex is much more heavily built but spinosaurus has high size so it could use it to knock over the t rex and this isnt UFC so its not a brawl on the ground my overall answer is Spino=56% T-rex=44%

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