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Alfred Wegener.
Alfred Wegener was a German scientist and proposed Pangaea

a million/billion years ago, all of the land formed together and was called Pangaea

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Q: Who named Pangaea?
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What did German explorer Alfred Wegener call the continent he named?

Alfred Wegener named his single land mass the Urkontinent or Pangaa. This has passed into general use as Pangaea.

What is the uge super continent named by Alfred Wegener?

The supercontinent was named Pangaea by Alfred Wegener. It was theorized that Pangaea existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras.

How was named the continent of dinosaurs?

Pangaea. It means, "all the Earth."

When was Pangaea named officially?

The name Pangaea appeared in 1928 during a symposium to discuss Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift.

Who named the supercontinent Pangaea?

According to Wikipedia, the term Pangaea appeared in 1928 during a symposium to discuss Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift.

Which of these was given the name Pangaea?

The supercontinent that existed about 300 million years ago and eventually split into the continents we recognize today was named Pangaea.

Who originated the theory of Pangaea?

The theory of Pangaea was originated by Alfred Wegener, a German meteorologist, and geophysicist in the early 20th century. He proposed that the continents were once connected in a supercontinent that he named Pangaea, which later broke apart and drifted to their current positions.

How many species lived in Pangaea?

At the beginning of the Triassic period, there were no dinosaurs on Pangaea, the super continent. At the end of the period, it is not known exactly how many there were. There are about 700 named dinosaurs.

Alfred Wegener believed the continents were at one time all connected and was called what?

Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift, suggesting that all the continents were once connected in a single supercontinent he named Pangaea.

What are the names of the two large landmasses when Pangaea initially broke apart?

Actually, Pangaea was all the continents smashed together. But, the two continents that broke apart after Pangaea was created were named "Gondwanaland" and "Laurasia".

Were there any other named landmasses between Pangaea and the seven continents we know today?


Is it true that 220 million years there was only one large continent named Pangaea and one large ocean named Panthalassa?

It is unspecified by scientists, though they have theorized that Pangaea could have been a possibility, due to the fact that the continents are always moving. Plus, if there only was one continent, then the oceans would all collect together, forming a superocean in addition to the supercontinent of Pangaea.