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Mammals and dinosaurs started about the same time and mammals are still here, so ... Mammals! (Unless you count birds as dinosaurs, in which case it's a tie). One of the mysteries of evolution is why the dinosaurs came to dominate the mammals in the first place.

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Q: Who has lived longer on earth so far dinosaurs or mammals?
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Which lived on earth longer mammals or dinosaurs?


How many years longer have dinosaurs lived on earth than humans?

Dinosaurs - about 150 million years. Humans - about 1 million years.

What lived when dinosaurs lived?

mammals,birds ,insects,primates , and sea creatures

About how many times longer than modern humans have hooved mammals lived on earth?


During which prehistoric ere did dinosaurs roam the earth?

Dinosaurs and mammals coexisted during the Mesozoic era. If you count birds as dinosaurs, then they still coexist now in the Cenozoic.

How many years were dinsoaurs on earth?

Scientists believe dinosaurs roamed the earth for roughly 180 million years, longer than any other creature on earth. The few dinosaurs that survived the mass extinction lived into the Jurassic period.

Mammoth a dinosaurs?

No. Mammoths are from the ice age not the Mesozoic era (dinosaur age).

Which animals lived in the mesozoic era?

dinosaurs. as well as small mammals (rodents) and amphibians

Who lived on earth millons of years ago?

dinosaurs and other creatures like dinosaurs lived on the millions of years ago

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When did the insects come to the world?

Insects didn't come to earth, it lived on earth since the dinosaurs lived.

Durin which prehistoric era did dinosaurs roam the earth?

Dinosaurs lived during the Mesozoic era.