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Q: Which type of plant is the most common at age of the dinosaurs?
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Who were the top dinosaurs in the food chain?

It depends on the type of dinosaurs carnivore or a plant eater. Plant Eater=A plant eater would eat shrubs, leaves, flowers any type of plant I would think. Carnivore=Meat eg.other dinosaurs or animals. === === It depends on the type of dinosaurs carnivore or a plant eater. Plant Eater=A plant eater would eat shrubs, leaves, flowers any type of plant I would think. Carnivore=Meat eg.other dinosaurs or animals. === ===

Do dinosaurs have slimy skin?

No, dinosaurs had dry skin. Depending on the type most dinosaurs either had feathers or scales.

Are most plants vascular or non-vascular?

The most important type of plant depends on her your opinion but, the most common one is vascular.

What is the most common type of power plant?

The most common type of power plant is one that uses fossil fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas. Less common power plants use nuclear, geo-thermal, hydro-electric, wind, solar, or other power sources to run the plants.

What kind energy does a power plant have?

It depends on the type of power plant. Some of the most common is coal (which is used to make steam to create power) one of the least common in the us is nuclear power.

What is the most common type?

The most common blood type is O.

Most common blood types?

The most common blood types are A, B, and O. Type O is the most common, followed by type A, then type B. Type AB is the least common blood type.

Which bood type is the most common?

The most common blood type is the o+ blood type.

What is the most common blood type and the most rare?

The most common blood type is A positive and the most rare is type O.

Which dinosaurs did other dinosaurs prey on?

Most likely carnivores such as the T-Rex, the vegetarian type wouldn't normally resort to cannibalism.Comment: OK, but a carnivore could eat a herbivore (vegetarian type).

What Type of Blood Did Dinosaurs Have?

Dinosaurs had warm blood

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