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13y ago

The Seismosaurus was the longest known dinosaur.

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14y ago

Amphicoelias fragillimus is the longest diosaur, measuring 60 m from nose to tail tip.

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Q: Which dinosaur was the longest?
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Which is the second longest dinosaur in the world?

The second longest dinosaur is Argentinosaurus, at 140 ft long.

What is a micropachycephalosaurus?

its a dinosaur it is the dinosaur with the longest name ever

Which dinosaur was the longest land animal to have ever lived?

The longest dinosaur is believed to be Argentinasaurus, which could grow to 110 feet.

What is the Longest tailed Dinosaur?

Diplodocus had the longest whip-like tail ever.

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What is the tallest dinosar?

The tallest dinosaur ever discovered is a Sauroposeidon.However, this is not the longest or most massive dinosaur.

How long is the longesgt dinosaur?

The longest dinosaur lenth is about 50 feet (15 meters) according to scientiests.

What type of a dinosaur is Elasmosaurus?

It was not a dinosaur, but a plesiosaur and the longest plesiosaur. It could grow upto 15 m long.

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What is thought to be longest time a dinosaur could live?

58 year

What was the biggest dinosaur that ever walked on the earth?

The argentinosauraus is the biggest and longest.

How long are the longest dinosaurs?

The longest dinosaur known from good remains is the Argentinosaurus, measuring up to 115 feet in length.