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The late-Cretaceous theropodan dinosaur Carnotaurus sastrei was found in Patagonia, Argentina by Jose F. Bonaparte, who described it in 1985.

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Q: Where was Carnotaurus found?
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Related questions

When was Carnotaurus found?

In 1985.

Where were fossils of carnotaurus sastrel recently found?

As I konow they lived in Patagonia, Argentina, so probbably fossils were found there.

How high was the Carnotaurus?

Carnotaurus was probably slightly bigger than an elephant

Who would win a fight between ceratosaurus and carnotaurus?

carnotaurus was larger and slightly faster then ceratosaurus. carnotaurus had smaller teeth designed for ripping flesh while ceratosaurus had larger teeth desighned for killing prey and slicing through flesh so i would say its a draw

What does the carnotaurus sastrel eat?

Carnotaurus Sastrei was carnivorous, therefore eating meat. (I meant to say Sastrei, it has an i, not an l.)

What Carnotaurus had on top of its head?


What did Carnotaurus have on top of its head?

He had hornes.

When did the carnotaurus live?

The Carnotaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous Period, around 70 million years ago. It was a carnivorous dinosaur that roamed what is now South America.

What is better an allosaurs or a carnotaurs?

Somebody's favorite dinosaur is a matter of opinion, so I can't say whether Allosaurus are Carnotaurus is "better." Carnotaurus was larger than Allosaurus, and it also had a very large headcrest over each eye. If these were colorful, which they may have been, Carnotaurus would have had a very impressive appearance.

What are the largest predatory dinosaurs?

spinosaurus t rex carnotaurus

What was the largest Abelisaurid?

The largest Abelisaurid was Abelisaurus itself, though most think it is Carnotaurus as it is more famous. Growing to 9 m, Abelisaurus dwarfed Carnotaurus at only 7.5 m

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