go to the dragon lair and go up to the cave go inside than you can go into a cave then there are two passages go on the bootm on or the top on and at the end of the top one there is a cave go in but the monster has 20000 hp at the bottom of the lair outside there are water draconians blue in first cave venom bronse and purple draconians top passage venom bronze dark draconians bottom passage dark and golden draconians top passage end cave Big red drago (vasalkar 20000hp) for first time visits try the water draconians wich are level 10 then others level15 then big red dragon level 20 all the time wyverns level 8 there you go oh you can get wings and swords and wyvern pets as far as i know
Mammoth crusher blade(bronze draconian)
on the adventure quest worlds wiki
just kill the purple slime :::note,you might get a drop from him
adventure quest, adventure quest worlds,
you cannot make a weapon in adventure quest worlds
To me yes because you can ride dragons and you can even buy draconian parts or find them from drops. you can also chat with your friends.
The web address of Adventure Quest Worlds is http://www.aq.com/.
No, you cannot chat on Adventure Quest Worlds after your membership expires.
adventure quest is an awsome game
You Must Have Upgrade Adventure Quest
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Adventure Quest Worlds is an online role playing game developed by Artix Entertainment. At this time there is no way to give gold away in Adventure Quest Worlds.