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I believe that there are verses in the book of Job (jobe) that speak of dinosaurs.

Adam must've seen dinosaurs, because he named the animals. Noah must've seen dinosaurs. It says he loaded two of every animal in the ark, and a dinosaur is an animal.

So, there's 2 examples.

And how do you know Leviathan and Behemoth weren't dinosaurs? Dinosaurs were something someone made up. So is Leviathan and Behemoth. So they could very easily be the same thing.

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8y ago

The Bible does not talk of dinosaurs, because they became extinct millions of years ago and were entirely unknown to the biblical authors. The Psalms and the Book of Job do mention mythical chaos monsters, Leviathan and Behemoth, but these were not dinosaurs.

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Did dinosaurs read the Bible?

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Why don't I read about dinosaurs in the Bible?

I think its because people wrote the bible right? So that would mean people would have to be alive and on earth to write about dinosaurs. Well I think dinosaurs are not in the bible because nobody was alive in that time except god! Dinosaurs and modern humans are separated in time by about 65 million years. We are fascinated with dinosaurs now because our scientists are learning so much about them -- finding fossils, piecing together skeletons, learning their diets, climate they lived in and much more. But the Bible is addressed to modern men and women (it was written within the last 6-7000 years. Its a book to tell us who God is, what our relationship to him should be, and how we should treat each other. The Bible is not a scientific textbook. It does contain lots of history but mostly for the people who descended from Abraham. God obviously didn't think we needed to learn about dinosaurs in the Bible. He let our scientists explain them over the last 2-3 years.

Did the dinosaurs come before BIble times?

YES, dinosaurs came long before Biblical times. When dinosaurs ruled the Earth there were no men.

If god created dinosaurs how come the T- Rex is not in the Bible?

because god didn't create the dinosaurs

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In Job it says things about Huge animals. He might mean the Dinosaurs.

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Do muslams read The Bible?

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